Digital Panel Meter

Multi Function Indicator

  • Microcontroller Based
  • Normal working voltage between R phase and N, 150v to 240v
  • Three phase scrolling display
  • Option for display individual group of parameter by selection
  • R Y B phase L.E.D indication for each phase
  • On site programable 5A / 5A to 5000A CT ratio
  • 5A step for CT radio selection
  • Auto range selection for ampere
  • Auto amp to K. Amp range
  • Direct (without ct) use in 5A load by selecting ctr in 5A range
  • 150% over load capacity
  • Amp range up to 999 Amps. KA range 1.00 to 5.00
  • Ampere display resolutions
  1. up to 99.9A --- 0.10 Amp
  2. 100A to 999A — 1.00 Amp
  3. 1.00KA to 5.00 KA — 50.0 Amp
  • Frequency display range is up to 500 Hz

INSTRUCTION : To set the ct ratio press and hold the button, ctr will display in first window and previous setting of ct ratio in second window. Now keep pressing the button the ct ratio will start increasing by steps of 5 amps, momentary releasing and then again pressing the button the ct ratio will start decreasing in steps 5 amps. In k. Amp range the increasing and decreasing steps are 50 amps. Releasing the button at desired ct ratio will be stored.

Display Sequence of Electrical Parameter while scrolling

Sequence Phase LED First Window LED Second Window LED Third Window LED
1. R-N R Voltage VOLT Ampere  AMP  Frequency  Hz
2. Y-N Y Voltage VOLT Ampere  AMP  Frequency  Hz
3. B-N B Voltage VOLT Ampere  AMP  Frequency  Hz
4. Voltage R-Y-B R-Y VOLT Y-B  -  B-R  -
5. Ampere R-Y-B R Phase - Y Phase  AMP  B Phase  -
6. R Phse  R KW KW KVA  KVA  PF  PF
7. Y Phase Y KW KW KVA  KVA  PF  PF
8. B Phase B KW KW KVA  KVA  PF  PF
9. Average R-Y-B KW KW KVA  KVA  PF  PF